Are you suffering as a result of complexities in your life that you need help in navigating? You intuitively know you need wise counsel to see your way through...or at the very least a clear-eyed, non-judgmental assessment of your situation.  At best you need someone who can listen empathically, ask the right questions, and who has the capacity to guide you.  Most especially, you need an individual you can trust.

Shelley Pearce in an integrative psychotherapist - licensed marriage and family therapist, associate professor at Santa Monica College, interfaith minister, and a student of contemplative wisdom.  In her individual and couples therapy, Shelley integrates a broad spectrum of evidence-based approaches that help deepen the relationship to oneself and to others in ways that support healing and deeper fulfillment. She also holds licensed certification in mental health integrative medicine under which she practices lifestyle medicine, incorporating all aspects of the whole person.

More about Shelley Pearce MA, LMFT

Shelley Pearce M.A., L.M.F.T., C.M.H.I.M.P.

Shelley Pearce M.A., L.M.F.T., C.M.H.I.M.P.

Ways We Can Work Together

My sincere wish is to be of help.  I work therapeutically to address the uniqueness of every client's needs and situation, and there are common themes in my work.  I engage people with the kindness, compassion, strength, and insight needed to really explore the more difficult areas.  I care for and attune to the feelings and needs of each individual, and synthesize evidence based psychological approaches in support of the healing process for every person, given their background, style, and core values.  I encourage the needs and qualities that are most being called for to be felt, understood, and expressed.

Accepting accountability for those areas that we need to look at more closely can be delicate and sometimes difficult work, and I honor those who have the humility to undertake this exploration.  I encourage self-compassion as together we embrace insights that help unravel thought and behavioral patterns that have hindered growth and created suffering. We will likely laugh together at the folly of being human in this world. I am forever interested in my clients' experiences and their worlds, and I join them wholeheartedly in discovering a collaborative path toward healing.

Ready to make growth, connection, and fulfillment a priority?